FDA Medical Device Report Project Part 2 - Text Analysis
FDA Project - Part 2 Challenge We have arrived at a workable dataset, but the most important part for text-analysis is inside the MDR_Text field. Each MDR_Te...
FDA Project - Part 2 Challenge We have arrived at a workable dataset, but the most important part for text-analysis is inside the MDR_Text field. Each MDR_Te...
FDA Medical Device Report Project Part 1 Background Medical Device reports are sent to the FDA from across the country. These reports are gathered and review...
NFL Arrests Visualization Project We have a dataset of the number of fans arrested at each NFL game from 2011 to 2015, and another of the number of NFL playe...
Background: Competitive team project to predict AirBNB ratings from a training set. The data includes the rating for the BNB property, along with 50 addition...